Luci. Sin nombre y sin memoria (Luci. With no name and no memory), 2008

Nature, regardless of the organization or the type of material one considers, is full of oscillators. Everything can be seen as oscillating systems: from energy emissions in the form of (...)


Mur.muros / Distopía #2, 2007/08

The various networks we inhabit are interconnected with each other in an incessant dynamic process of mutual influence and interaction. The different scales of these networks and processes we (...)


Social Sythesizer_Prototype, 2008

Social Synthesizer_Prototype is the premiere of the emerging audiovisual synthesis technique called Social Synthesis in which a community of users can submit abstract data into a database which (...)


Aire, Sonido, Poder (Air, Sound, Power), 2008

Social Control Technologies with Sound “Let sounds be themselves”, wrote John Cage, deservedly the most quoted artist. Anthropologist Jacques Maquet claims that “there is a universal aesthetic (...)


Madrid Mousaic, 2005

The project uses approximately 500 photographic images of the city of Madrid offering different points of views which, when combined, create various narrative possibilities. Each group of images (...)


Modulador de Luz 3.0 (Light Modulator 3.0), 2006/08

A uniquely human characteristic is that all the functional apparatuses of a human can never be sated; they are always eager for new impressions after each new perception. This explains the (...)


SEACEXLABoralFundación TelefónicaZKMInstitut Ramon LlullMediaLabMadridINBAsociación BanqueteUnesco
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