Otras Geologías 9 (Other Geologies 9), 2005

A large-scale photograph covering the whole wall shows a tangle of elements that could well be seen as a metaphor of communication society and of its most conspicuous offspring: the network (...)


POEtic-Cubes, 2007/08

I am in the dark space, and silence. In the background I can see a luminous mass of intense colours. It is the mother cell. I head towards her and then the process of cellular self-replication (...)


Protomembrana, 2006

Protomembrana is presented as a theoretical and practical lesson on systemwriting; that is, on "playwriting" for computer systems. Using words, music, and graphic animation as a multimedia whole (...)


Tecura 4.0, 2005/08

Development today in the neurosciences gives special importance to the role of the organic, to its materiality, as the basis of all knowledge. The Cartesian dualism that formerly classified (...)


Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001
Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001

In the same space, we find two installations that deal with the hybrid, connective nature of new bodies. Suspended above visitors, there are five visions of the prosthetic body that (...)


SEACEXLABoralFundación TelefónicaZKMInstitut Ramon LlullMediaLabMadridINBAsociación BanqueteUnesco
web in progress