Canal*ACCESSIBLE, 2006
GENEVE* accessible, 2008
Abad, Antoni is a project focused since 2003 on the creation of digital communities through the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras. The immediate dissemination via Internet of audiovisual footage recorded with these mobile devices allows them to become loudspeakers amplifying the voices of various social groups lacking an active presence within mainstream mass media.
Using mobile phones, specific social groups have an opportunity to build both their own communication network and a map of their urban geopolitics. In Canal *Accesible, 40 disabled people from the cities of Geneva and Barcelona take pictures with their mobile phones of the urban obstacles they encounter. The photos are then uploaded to Internet where they form a multimedia map of the inaccessibility of the city.
Canal accesible: Organización: Centre d’Art Santa Mònica, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Patrocinio: Nokia España, Amena. Programación: Eugenio Tisselli
Golden Nica Digital Communities, Prix Ars Electrónica, 2006
Geneve accesible: Organización: Ville de Genève, Association Handicap Architecture Urbanisme, Centre d’Art Contemporain de Genève. Patrocinio: Swisscom, Prohelvetia, Migros, Sociedad Estatal para la Acción Cultural Exterior de España.